CSS Pseudo Class Selectors

Background color change on selection of Text

CSS ::before Selector

CSS ::before Selector

CSS3 :checked Selector

CSS3 :disabled Selector

Css3 disabled

CSS3 :empty Selector

CSS :first-child Selector

Css3 first
  • element in lists

  • Css3 first child element of every ul

    CSS ::first-letter Selector

    CSS ::first-line Selector

    CSS3 :first-of-type Selector

    CSS :focus Selector

    CSS :hover Selector

    CSS :hover Selector(multiple Elements)

    Select and style unvisited, visited, hover, and active links

    CSS :invalid Selector

    CSS :lang Selector

    CSS3 :last-child Selector


    CSS3 :nth-child() Selector

    Css3 background colors for odd and even p elements

    Css3 a formula (an + b)

    CSS3 :nth-last-child() Selector

    CSS3 :optional Selector

    CSS ::after Selector
